Registered Dental Hygiene (RDH) Licensure by Credential (LBC)

Applicants who are licensed as a Dental Hygienist in another state for 5 years or more may qualify to receive a Registered Dental Hygienists (RDH) license through the Licensure by Credential (LBC) pathway rather than through the completion of a clinical examination if all the requirements are met.

Dental hygiene education and licensure in another country, even in dentistry, is not recognized or accepted in California.

How To Submit An Application

Online Application Submission:

Applicants are encouraged to use the online portal to apply for licensure to become an RDH. You can upload the required licensing documents and pay the application fees online through the BreEZe computer system at The online BreEZe system allows one opportunity to upload your documents with your initial application. All documents must be in either the .pdf or .jpeg format when uploading to your application. You can email subsequent documents in the same format by first contacting the DHBC using the contact form or by calling (916) 263-1978. The accepted method of fee payment is through a credit card for online applications only.

Paper Application Submissions:

Applicants may submit a hard copy paper application with the required licensing documents and application fee at the following link: LBC Application.

Please make the check, cashier’s check, or money order payable to: DHBC and mail completed application to:

Dental Hygiene Board of California (DHBC)
ATTN: Licensing Program
2005 Evergreen Street, Ste. 1350
Sacramento, CA 95815

Please use the following documents and links to complete the LBC Application process.

Note: This information is also on the online application

If Applicable Additional Forms

Links to:

Equivalent Out-Of-State SLN Training Application

As of July 1, 2022, the DHBC has a new provision that will sanction a review of Out-of-State Dental Hygiene SLN education and training application to determine if it’s equivalent to the SLN training received in CA.