Information for Applicants to Become Licensed

Registered Dental Hygienist (RDH)

RDH Quick Overview for Licensure. This is informational only and a printable document.
Eligibility to apply for the RDH License by Clinical Exam or CA graduation if you fulfill one of these options:
  • Graduation from a California accredited dental hygiene program on or after January 1, 2024, and after this effective date, within 3 years of my graduation.
  • Passed a California Board approved dental hygiene clinical examination (WREB/ADEX/CRDTS) within the last three (3) years from the application date.
Eligibility to apply for Licensure By Credential (LBC) if you fulfill one of these options:
  • Licensed as a RDH for a minimum of five (5) years immediately preceding the application date with a minimum of 750 hours of clinical practice hours per year from another state other than California.
  • A full–time faculty member in an accredited dental hygiene educational program for a minimum of 750 hours of clinical practice hours per year immediately preceding the application date.
  • Can provided proof of at least three years of clinical practice and commits to completing the remaining two years of clinical practice by filing with the dental hygiene board a copy of a pending contract to practice dental hygiene.

Registered Dental Hygienist in Alternative Practice (RDHAP)

RDHAP Quick overview for Licensure. This is informational only and a printable document.

Eligibility to apply for the Registered Dental Hygienist in Alternative Practice (RDHAP) if you fulfill the following requirements:
  • Completed the RDHAP Program.
  • Possess a current RDH license.
  • Completed a minimum of 2,000 clinical practice hours during the immediately preceding 36 months from the date of the application.
  • Have a Bachelor of Science Degree or its equivalent of 120 semester credits or 180 quarter credit hours.


Received a letter of acceptance into the employment utilization phase of the Heath Workforce Pilot Project No.155 established by the Dept of Health Care Access.

RDHAP – Current Laws and Alerts

Fictitious Name Permit (FNP) Quick Overview for Licensure. This is informational only and a printable document.

Eligibility to apply for a FNP if you fulfill the following requirement(s):
  • Possess a current RDHAP License.
  • Location where the applicant(s) practice is owned or leased by the applicants(s) in an approved area or practice setting pursuant to BPC 1926.

Additional Information For Applicants

Applicants FAQ's and BreEZe FAQ's

Information for frequently asked questions (FAQ).

Approved RDH, RDHAP, ITR and RDM Educational Programs

List of the California Board–Approved RDH, RDHAP, Interim Therapeutic Restoration (ITR) Courses and Radiographic Decision–Making (RDM) programs.

Applicant Name and/or Address Change

Request an Address and/or Name Change.

Military Resources

Resources for Military Members, their Spouses, and licensing information.

Laws and regulations specifically define the duties that each licensed category of dental hygienist is allowed to perform, the level of dentist supervision required, and the settings in which the duties may be performed. It is a criminal offense to perform illegal functions, as well as grounds for license discipline of both the person performing the illegal function and any person who aid or abets such illegal activity. The duties and responsibilities that RDHs are allowed to perform are specified in Sections 1902.2, 1907 through 1915 of the Business and Professions Code. You may download a publication of our Laws and Regulations.

For specific questions about the RDH Application or Examination, please contact the DHBC using the contact form, or by calling (916) 263-1978 or review the information on our website at You may use this link to download a publication of our laws and regulations. Laws and Regulations.

A license cannot be issued until the Dental Hygiene Board of California has received and reviewed criminal background information from both the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the California Department of Justice. This process can take much longer if a criminal history does exist.